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Solidity API


Allows for ERC-1155 token owners to burn their tokens to redeem physical items. Upon sucessful physical redemption, a proof-of-redemption soulbound ERC-721 token is minted to the item's recipient.


modifier isRequestOwner(bytes encodedRequest)

Modifier to make a function callable only when the msg.sender is the request owner.


constructor(contract IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry _registry, address _token, address _provider, bytes32 _providerPublicKey, uint256 _maxFulfillmentDuration, address _openRequestHooks, string _name, string _symbol, string baseTokenURI_) public


function getRequestBeneficiary(bytes encodedRequest) public pure returns (address beneficiary)

Returns the beneficiary of the soulbound token.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
Name Type Description
beneficiary address Owner of the given request.


function _decodeRequest(bytes encodedRequest) internal pure returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemer1155.Request1155 request)

Decode an encoded Request1155 struct.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded Request1155 struct.
Name Type Description
request struct IPhygitalRedeemer1155.Request1155 Decoded Request1155 struct.


function _transferUserTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Returns the deposited ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token(s) back to the user who opened the given request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be returned to the user.


function _burnTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Burns the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 tokens that were deposited by the user once the given request was opened.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be burnt.


function _transferEscrowToRedeemer(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Utility function, transfers the escrowed payment to the redeemer.


function openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, bytes shippingAddress, address paymentToken) external payable returns (bytes32 requestId)

Opens a new request with ERC20 token used in redemption fee.

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the redeemer.
nonce bytes32 Unique nonce for the redemption request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to redeem.
amounts uint256[] Amounts of each token ID to redeem.
shippingAddress bytes Encrypted shipping address.
paymentToken address Address of the payment token, address(0) for native.
Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 Unique ID for the opened request.


function _openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, bytes shippingAddress) internal returns (bytes32 requestId)


Allows for ERC-721 token owners to burn their tokens to redeem physical items. Upon sucessful physical redemption, a proof-of-redemption soulbound ERC-721 token is minted to the item's recipient.


enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism defaultBurnMechanism

Default burn mechanism for new redemption requests.


mapping(uint256 => enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism) burnMechanism

Mapping of tokenIds to their custom burn mechanism type


mapping(uint256 => bool) isRedeemed

Maps if a tokenId has been redeemed only for tokens with BurnMechanism.Mark


modifier isRequestOwner(bytes encodedRequest)

Modifier to make a function callable only when the msg.sender is the request owner.


constructor(contract IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry _registry, address _token, address _provider, bytes32 _providerPublicKey, uint256 _maxFulfillmentDuration, address _openRequestHooks, string _name, string _symbol, string baseTokenURI_, enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism _defaultBurnMechanism) public


function setDefaultBurnMechanism(enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism_) external

Sets the default burn mechanism for the entire collection

Name Type Description
burnMechanism_ enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism


function setBurnMechanismForToken(uint256 tokenId, enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism_) external

Sets if a redeemed ERC721 will be burned, marked as already redeemed or returned to owner

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to be redeemed
burnMechanism_ enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism


function setBurnMechanismForTokens(uint256[] tokenIds, enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism_) external

Sets the burn mechanism for a batch of tokens

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to set redemption type for
burnMechanism_ enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism


function getRequestBeneficiary(bytes encodedRequest) public pure returns (address beneficiary)

Returns the beneficiary of the soulbound token.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
Name Type Description
beneficiary address Owner of the given request.


function _decodeRequest(bytes encodedRequest) internal pure returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemer721.Request721)

Decode an encoded Request721 struct.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded Request721 struct.
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemer721.Request721 request Decoded Request721 struct.


function _transferUserTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Returns the deposited ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token(s) back to the user who opened the given request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be returned to the user.


function _burnTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Burns the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 tokens that were deposited by the user once the given request was opened.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be burnt.


function _transferEscrowToRedeemer(bytes encodedRequest) internal

Utility function, transfers the escrowed payment to the redeemer.


function _openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, bytes shippingAddress) internal returns (bytes32 requestId)


function openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, bytes shippingAddress, address paymentToken) external payable returns (bytes32 requestId)

Opens a new request with ERC20 token used in redemption fee

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the redeemer.
nonce bytes32 Unique nonce for the redemption request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to be redeemed.
shippingAddress bytes Encrypted shipping address.
paymentToken address Address of the payment token, address(0) for native.
Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 Unique ID for the opened request.


Contains functionality that applies to both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 Phygital Redeemers. Both PhygitalRedeemer721 and PhygitalRedeemer1155 inherit this abstract contract.


address token

ERC-721 or ERC-1155 Phygital token's address.


address provider

Address of the physical items' provider.


bytes32 providerPublicKey

Public key of the physical items' provider.


uint256 maxFulfillmentDuration

Maximum allowed fulfillment duration, in seconds.


address openRequestHooks

Hook(s) to be called when a new redemption request is being opened. Can be the zero address, in which case no hooks are called.


mapping(bytes32 => struct IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestState) requestState

Maps request IDs to request states.


bool paused

True if the contracts are paused, false otherwise.


string _baseTokenURI

Proof-of-redemption default token metadata URI.


mapping(uint256 => string) _customTokenURI

Proof-of-redemption custom token metadata URI for tokenID.


address feeProcessorAddress


Returns the set fee processor address.

Name Type Description


address protocolFeeAddress


Returns the set protocol fee address.

Name Type Description


modifier onlyFeeProcessor()


constructor(contract IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry _registry, address _token, address _provider, bytes32 _providerPublicKey, uint256 _maxFulfillmentDuration, address _openRequestHooks, string _name, string _symbol, string baseTokenURI_) internal

Can only be called once, following the contract's creation.

Initializes the Phygital Redeemer.

Name Type Description
_registry contract IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry The registry contract to query the protocol fee and fee processor addresses, and to transfer ownership to.
_token address ERC-721 or ERC-1155 Phygital token's address.
_provider address Address of the physical items' provider.
_providerPublicKey bytes32 Public key of the physical items' provider.
_maxFulfillmentDuration uint256 Maximum allowed fulfillment duration, in seconds.
_openRequestHooks address Contract address implementing hook(s) that will be called when a new redemption request is being opened. Can be the zero address if no such hooks are desired.
_name string Proof-of-redemption token collection name.
_symbol string Proof-of-redemption token collection symbol.
baseTokenURI_ string TODO: document


function getRequestBeneficiary(bytes encodedRequest) public view virtual returns (address beneficiary)

Returns the beneficiary of the soulbound token.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
Name Type Description
beneficiary address Owner of the given request.


function _validateRequest(bytes encodedRequest, enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus expectedRequestStatus) internal view

Check whether the given encoded request's status matches the expected request status.


function getRequestState(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestState state)

Returns the given request's state.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 ID of the request whose state to return.
Name Type Description
state struct IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestState State associated to the given request.


modifier isProvider()

Modifier to make a function callable only when the msg.sender is the physical item provider.


modifier isNotPaused()

Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused.


modifier isValidRequest(bytes encodedRequest, enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus expectedRequestStatus)

Modifier to check whether the given encoded request's status matches the expected request status.


modifier isRequestOwner(bytes encodedRequest)

Modifier to make a function callable only when the msg.sender is the request owner.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request whose owner to check for.


function _transferUserTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal virtual

Returns the deposited ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token(s) back to the user who opened the given request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be returned to the user.


function _burnTokens(bytes encodedRequest) internal virtual

Burns the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 tokens that were deposited by the user once the given request was opened.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes The encoded request for which the underlying tokens should be burnt.


function closeRequest(bytes encodedRequest) external

Can only be called by the user, if the provider has not approved the given request yet. Closing a request will return the deposited phygital tokens back to the user who opened the request.

Closes an open request, before it has been approved by the provider.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.


function acceptRequest(bytes32 requestId) external

Can only be called by the provider, if the user has not closed the request.

Accepts an open request.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 ID of the request being approved.


function rejectRequest(bytes encodedRequest, bytes rejectionReason) external

Can only be called by the provider, if the user has not closed the request and if the provider has not accepted the request. Rejecting a request will return the deposited phygital tokens back to the user who opened the request.

Rejects an open request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
rejectionReason bytes Reason for rejecting the request.


function fulfillRequest(bytes encodedRequest, bytes trackingInfo, string customTokenURI) external

Can only be called by the provider. This can be even after a request's expiry period has passed if the user has not made a transaction to expire the request. Upon fulfillment, the user's phygital tokens are burnt and a unique, proof-of-redemption soulbound ERC-721 is minted to the user's address.

Fulfills an accepted request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
trackingInfo bytes Tracking information for the fulfilled request.
customTokenURI string Custom token metadata URI for tokenID. Empty string if default is to be used.


function expireRequest(bytes encodedRequest) external

Can only be called by the given request's owner, if the request has expired. Upon manual expiration, the phygital tokens that were deposited by the user are returned.

Expires an accepted request, and transfers the tokens back to the user.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.


function pause() external

Pauses the creation, acceptance, and fulfillment of new requests for this Phygital Redeemer.


function unpause() external

Unpauses the creation, acceptance, and fulfillment of new requests for this Phygital Redeemer.


function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (string)

Returns the proof-of-redemption token's metadata URI.


function setBaseTokenURI(string baseTokenURI_) external

Sets the base URI for the proof-of-redemption


function setRedemptionFee(address _token, uint256 _fee) external virtual


Sets a redemption fee in an ERC20 token for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_token address Address of the ERC20 token
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function setRedemptionFeeNative(uint256 _fee) external virtual


Sets a redemption fee in native token for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in native token


function setCustomRedemptionFeeMultipliers(uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _multipliers) external virtual

Vendor multiplier should assume 1x = 1,000,000 by default unless changed

Sets custom redemption fee multipliers for specific tokenIds for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_tokenIds uint256[] Array of tokenIds
_multipliers uint256[] Array of multipliers


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Owner only callable by the owner

Sets the protocol fee address for a redeemer.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address address of the protocol fee contract


function setFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Owner only callable by the owner

Sets the fee processor address for a redeemer.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address address of the fee processor contract


function payProtocolFeeUpfrontNative() external payable


Allows vendor to pay for the protocol fee upfront in native token.


function payProtocolFeeUpfront(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external


Allows vendor to pay for the protocol fee upfront.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function _transfer(address, address, uint256) internal pure

Overrides the ERC-721 _transfer function to always revert. This makes the proof-of-redemption ERC-721 token non-transferable.


function _transferEscrowToRedeemer(bytes encodedRequest) internal virtual

Utility function, transfers the escrowed payment to the redeemer.


function _transferEscrow(bytes32 requestId, address target) internal

Utility function, transfers the escrowed payment to the target * either user or vendor


function handleERC20Payment(address from, address to, address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles ERC20 transfers for payment.

Name Type Description
from address address from which the tokens are transferred
to address address to which the tokens are transferred
paymentToken address
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function handleProtocolFeePayment(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles protocol fee ERC20 transfers to fee receiver.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function handleNativePayment(address target, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles native token transfers for payment.

Name Type Description
target address address to which the tokens are transferred
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function getRedemptionFee(address paymentToken) external view returns (uint256)


Returns the base redemption fee for a payment token * address(0) for base fee for native.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 redemptionFee redemption fee in payment token


function getPaymentInformation(uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedTokenType) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation)


Returns the payment information for a redemption request * returns all possible payment options.

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation paymentInformation payment information


function getCustomRedemptionFeeMultiplierForToken(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256)


returns the custom fee multiplier for a redeemable token.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 tokenId of the redeemable token
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 customRedemptionFeeMultiplier custom redemption fee multiplier


function getEscrow(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow)


Returns the escrow data for a redemption request.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow escrow Escrow data struct


function getBaseFees() external view returns (address[], uint256[], uint256[])


Returns the base redemption and protocol fees for all payment tokens.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] paymentTokens array of payment tokens, address(0) for native
[1] uint256[] redemptionFees array of redemption fees
[2] uint256[] protocolFees array of protocol fees


function getVerifiedERC20PaymentTokens() external view returns (address[], uint256)


returns a list of ERC20 tokens that are accepted by the protocol * and the vendor.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] verifiedPaymentTokens list of ERC20 tokens
[1] uint256 verifiedLength how many tokens are in the list * verified list can be shorter if a vendor added a token that is no longer accepted, hence the length


function protocolAcceptsNative() external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts native token for fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if native token can be used for fee payments


function acceptedPaymentTokensByVendor() external view returns (address[])


Returns the list of ERC20 tokens accepted by the vendor.


function calculateRequiredPayment(address paymentToken, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedRedeemedTokenType) external view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

User For ERC721 _amounts can be empty array

Returns the total fees for a payment token based on the number and type of NFTs to be redeemed.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
_tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
_amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedRedeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType type of redeemed token
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function redemptionFeeDivisor() external view returns (uint256)


Returns the redemption fee divisor.


Responsible for the management of redemption and protocol fees for a specific Redeemer instance.


address protocolFeeAddress

Address of the protocol fee contract.


address registryAddress

Address of the registry


mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) redemptionFee

Maps redemption fee in payment token to value;


mapping(address => uint256) nativeRedemptionFee

Redemption fee in native token


mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) customRedemptionFeeMultiplier

The multiplier determines that tokenIds redemption fee in relation to the base fee of that token

Maps vendor to tokenId to its custom redemption fee multiplier


mapping(address => uint256) redemptionFeeDivisor

The divisor determines the precision of the custom redemption fee multiplier is set to 1e18 upon initial customRedemptionFeeMultiplier setup

Custom vendor to redemption fee divisor


mapping(address => address[]) acceptedPaymentTokensByVendor

List of accepted ERC20 payment tokens by vendor


mapping(address => bool) _isRedemptionFeePaymentRequired

Maps if vendor requires a redemption fee payment


mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow)) _escrows

Maps vendor to requestId to escrow


modifier onlyRedeemer()


constructor(address protocolFeeAddress_) public


function handleRequestOpen(enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType tokenType, bytes32 requestId, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, address paymentToken, address userAddress, uint256 msgValue) public


Handles the payment logic when a request is opened

Name Type Description
tokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
paymentToken address address of the payment token * address(0) for native payments
userAddress address address of the user * used to handle ERC20 payment logic
msgValue uint256 value of the native payment


function getPaymentInformation(uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedTokenType) public view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation)

Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the payment information for a redemption request * returns all possible payment options

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation paymentInformation payment information


function getAcceptedPaymentTokensByVendor() external view returns (address[])

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the list of ERC20 tokens accepted by the vendor


function getBaseFees() external view returns (address[], uint256[], uint256[])

Vendor/Owner -> called via Redeemer

Returns the base redemption and protocol fees for all payment tokens

Name Type Description
[0] address[] paymentTokens array of payment tokens, address(0) for native
[1] uint256[] redemptionFees array of redemption fees
[2] uint256[] protocolFees array of protocol fees


function calculateRequiredPayment(address paymentToken, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedRedeemedTokenType) public view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

User/Utility -> called via Redeemer For ERC721 _amounts can be empty array

Returns the total fees for a payment token based on the number and type of NFTs to be redeemed

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
_tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[]
redeemedRedeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType type of redeemed token
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function getVerifiedERC20PaymentTokens() public view returns (address[], uint256)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

returns a list of ERC20 tokens that are accepted by the protocol * and the vendor -> called via Redeemer

Name Type Description
[0] address[] verifiedPaymentTokens list of ERC20 tokens
[1] uint256 verifiedLength how many tokens are in the list * verified list can be shorter if a vendor added a token that is no longer accepted, hence the length


function getEscrow(bytes32 requestId) public view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the escrow data for a redemption request

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow escrow Escrow data struct


function getCustomRedemptionFeeMultiplierForToken(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256)

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Returns the custom redemption fee multiplier for a token

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 tokenId to check
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 multiplier multiplier for the token


function getRedemptionFee(address paymentToken) external view returns (uint256)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the base redemption fee for a payment token

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token address, address(0) for native or ERC20
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function setRedemptionFee(address _token, uint256 _fee) public

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Sets a redemption fee in an ERC20 token for a vendor

Name Type Description
_token address Address of the ERC20 token
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function setRedemptionFeeNative(uint256 _fee) public

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Sets a redemption fee in native token for a vendor

Name Type Description
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in native token


function setCustomRedemptionFeeMultipliers(uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _multipliers) public

Vendor -> called via Redeemer multiplier should assume 1x = 1,000,000 by default unless changed

Sets custom redemption fee multipliers for specific tokenIds for a vendor

Name Type Description
_tokenIds uint256[] Array of tokenIds
_multipliers uint256[] Array of multipliers


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address protocolFeeAddress_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the protocol fee contract.

Name Type Description
protocolFeeAddress_ address


function setRegistryAddress(address registryAddress_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the registry contract.

Name Type Description
registryAddress_ address


function _handleFeesNative(bytes32 requestId, uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 protocolFee, address userAddress, uint256 msgValue) internal

handler of native fee payments


function _handleFees(bytes32 requestId, uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 protocolFee, address paymentToken, address userAddress) internal

handler of ERC20 fee payments


function _calculateRequiredPaymentERC721(address paymentToken, uint256 baseRedemptionFee, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[]) internal view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

helper function to calculate required payment for ERC20/native payments

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token, address(0) for native or ERC20
baseRedemptionFee uint256 base redemption fee value, either native or ERC20
_tokenIds uint256[] tokenIds of the tokens to be redeemed
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function _calculateRequiredPaymentERC1155(address paymentToken, uint256 baseRedemptionFee, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _amounts) internal view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

helper function to calculate required payment for ERC20/native payments

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token, address(0) for native or ERC20
baseRedemptionFee uint256 base redemption fee value, either native or ERC20
_tokenIds uint256[] tokenIds of the tokens to be redeemed
_amounts uint256[] amounts of the tokens to be redeemed
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function _handleFeeVerificationNative() internal view returns (bool)

Ensures the payment method for a redemption is valid


function _handleFeeVerification(address paymentToken) internal view returns (bool)


function _updateIfRedemptionPaymentRequired() internal

utility function to help track if a vendor requires payment


function _vendorAcceptsToken(address token) internal view returns (bool)

Returns true if vendor accepts an ERC20 token as payment

Name Type Description
token address address of the token
Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if vendor accepts the token


function _verifyIfProtocolAcceptsNativeToken() internal view returns (bool)

verifies if native payments are acceptable by the protocol native payments must be set to be useable for protocol and redemption fees

Name Type Description
[0] bool acceptable returns if native token is acceptable for payments


function _verifyIfProtocolAcceptsERC20Token(address paymentToken) internal view returns (bool)

verifies if ERC20 token is accepted as payment by the protocol the token must be in the whitelist to be acceptable by both protocol and redemption fees

Name Type Description
paymentToken address chosen ERC20 payment token
Name Type Description
[0] bool acceptable returns if the token is acceptable for payments


Responsible for administering PhygitalRedeemer instances.


address protocolFeeAddress

Address of the protocol fee contract.


address feeProcessorAddress

Address of the fee processor contract.


struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] redeemers

Array of all the exisiting Redeemer instances.


mapping(address => bool) isRedeemer

Maps address to a boolean indicating whether or not the address is a Redeemer instance.


mapping(address => uint256[]) tokenToRedeemers

Maps ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token addresses to all of their associated redeemer indexes.


mapping(address => uint256[]) providerToRedeemers

Maps provider addresses to all of their associated redeemer indexes.


constructor(address _protocolFeeAddress, address _feeProcessorAddress) public


function getRedeemers() external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[])

Returns the addresses of all Phygital Redeemer instances.

Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[]


function getRedeemersForToken(address token) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] _redeemers)

Returns the addresses of Phygital Redeemer instances associated to a given phygital token address.

Name Type Description
token address Address of the phygital token.
Name Type Description
_redeemers struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[]


function getRedeemersForProvider(address provider) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] _redeemers)

Returns the addresses of Phygital Redeemer instances associated to a given provider.

Name Type Description
provider address Address of the physical items' provider.
Name Type Description
_redeemers struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[]


function registerRedeemer(address redeemer, address token, address provider, enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType tokenType, address openRequestHooks) external

Can only be called by the regsitry owner.

Registers new Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the new Phygital Redeemer to register.
token address Address of the phygital token that can
provider address Address of the physical items' provider.
tokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType Type of phygital token.
openRequestHooks address Address to call on request opening. Can be set to address(0) to ignore the hook


function pauseRedeemer(address redeemer) external

Can only be called by the registry owner.

Pauses Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the Redeemer instance to pause.


function unpauseRedeemer(address redeemer) external

Can only be called by the registry owner.

Unpauses Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the Redeemer instance to unpause.


function _setProtocolFeeAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) internal

It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Internal function that sets the address of the protocol fee contract.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Can only be called by the factory owner. It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Sets the address of the protocol fee contract.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function _setFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) internal

It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Internal function that sets the address of the fee processor contract.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address Address of the fee processor contract.


function setFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Can only be called by the factory owner. It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Sets the address of the fee processor contract.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address Address of the fee processor contract.


function batchUpdateProtocolAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Updates protocol address across all redeemers.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function batchUpdateFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Updates fee processor address across all redeemers.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address Address of the fee processor contract.


Responsible for the management of protocol fees across all Redeemer instances.


address registryAddress

Address of the registry


address protocolFeeReceiver

Address to which protocol fees will be sent


uint256 generalNativeProtocolFee

Base native protocol fee


mapping(address => uint256) generalERC20ProtocolFees

Base protocol fee for accepted ERC20 tokens


struct IProtocolFee.FeeTier[] protocolFeeTiers

The tiers should be in ascending order

Holds the different protocol fee tiers


uint256 feeDivisor

Divisor for fee precision


uint256 tierDivisor

Divisor for tier precision


uint256 upfrontPaymentPrecision

Divisor for upfront payment precision


address[] _whitelistedTokensForPayment

List of whitelisted ERC20 tokens which can be used in both redemptions and protocol payments


mapping(address => uint256) protocolFeePaid

The remaining fees are stored as a multiplier * of either ERC20 or native protocol fee

Maps redeemer to protocol fee paid upfront by vendor


modifier onlyFeeProcessor()


constructor(address protocolFeeReceiver_) public


function protocolAcceptsNative() public view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts native token for fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if native token can be used for fee payments


function protocolAcceptsToken(address paymentToken) public view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts a given ERC20 token. for fee payment

Name Type Description
paymentToken address chosen ERC20 payment token
Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if token can be used for fee payments


function isProtocolFeePaymentRequired() external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol requires a fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if protocol requires a fee payment


function getTokensAcceptedByProtocol() external view returns (address[])


Getter for ERC20 tokens accepted by the protocol.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] tokensAcceptedByProtocol array of ERC20 tokens accepted by the protocol


function calculateProtocolFee(address paymentToken, uint256 redemptionFee) external view returns (uint256)


Returns the total protocol fee payed in an ERC20/Native token * based on the protocol fee tiers and the due redemption fee.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token, either ERC20 or address(0) for native
redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee which will be paid
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee protocol fee in payment token


function setRegistryAddress(address registryAddress_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the registry contract.

Name Type Description
registryAddress_ address


function setProtocolFeeNative(uint256 nativeProtocolFee_) external


Setter for base protocol fee in native token.

Name Type Description
nativeProtocolFee_ uint256


function setProtocolFee(address tokenAddress, uint256 protocolFee_) external


Setter for base protocol fee in ERC20 token.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress address
protocolFee_ uint256


function setProtocolFeeReceiver(address protocolFeeReceiver_) external


Setter for address to which protocol fees will be sent.

Name Type Description
protocolFeeReceiver_ address


function setProtocolFeeTiers(struct IProtocolFee.FeeTier[] _protocolFeeTiers) external


Setter for protocol fee tiers * determines if an extra fee should be added to the redemption fee.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeTiers struct IProtocolFee.FeeTier[] protocol fee tiers * should be in ascending order


function payProtocolFeeUpfrontNative(uint256 amount) external

Utility - called via Redeemer

Allows a vendor to pay for a protocol fee upfront in native token.

Name Type Description
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function payProtocolFeeUpfront(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external

Utility - called via Redeemer

Allows a vendor to pay for a protocol fee upfront in ERC20 token.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the payment token
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function calculateUpfrontDiscount(address vendorOrigin, address paymentToken, uint256 protocolFee) external view returns (uint256)


Calculates how much upfront discount a user should receive, * based on the outstanding protocol fee paid by the vendor.

Name Type Description
vendorOrigin address address of the vendor
paymentToken address payment token, either address(0) for native or ERC20
protocolFee uint256 protocol fee to be paid
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 upfrontDiscount amount of upfront discount


function handleUpfrontDiscount(address vendorOrigin, address paymentToken, uint256 protocolFeeToBePaid) external


Allows the protocol to handle upfront discount * reduces the outstanding protocol fee paid by the vendor.

Name Type Description
vendorOrigin address address of the vendor
paymentToken address payment token, either address(0) for native or ERC20
protocolFeeToBePaid uint256


function _isInTierRange(uint256 baseProtocolFee, uint256 redemptionFee, uint256 tier) internal view returns (bool)

Checks if the redemption fee is in the range of a given tier

Name Type Description
baseProtocolFee uint256 base protocol fee value, either native or ERC20
redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee value
tier uint256 tier whose range will be checked
Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if the redemption fee is in the range of the tier


function _removeTokenFromPaymentWhitelist(address tokenAddress) internal

Removes a token from the whitelist

Name Type Description
tokenAddress address address of the token to be removed



function burn(address account, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values) external

Burns a given batch of tokens

Name Type Description
account address Token holder's account address.
ids uint256[] Array of IDs of the tokens to be burnt.
values uint256[] Array of amounts of tokens to be burnt.



function burn(uint256 tokenId) external

Burns the given token.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to burn.



error CallerNotFeeProcessor()

Thrown when the caller is not the fee processor.


error CannotBeZeroAddress()

Thrown when the zero address is passed.


function payProtocolFeeUpfrontNative() external payable


Allows vendor to pay for the protocol fee upfront in native token.


function payProtocolFeeUpfront(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external


Allows vendor to pay for the protocol fee upfront.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function getRedemptionFee(address paymentToken) external view returns (uint256)


Returns the base redemption fee for a payment token * address(0) for base fee for native.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 redemptionFee redemption fee in payment token


function getCustomRedemptionFeeMultiplierForToken(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256)


returns the custom fee multiplier for a redeemable token.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 tokenId of the redeemable token
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 customRedemptionFeeMultiplier custom redemption fee multiplier


function getEscrow(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow)


Returns the escrow data for a redemption request.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow escrow Escrow data struct


function setRedemptionFee(address _token, uint256 _fee) external


Sets a redemption fee in an ERC20 token for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_token address Address of the ERC20 token
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function setRedemptionFeeNative(uint256 _fee) external


Sets a redemption fee in native token for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in native token


function setCustomRedemptionFeeMultipliers(uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _multipliers) external

Vendor multiplier should assume 1x = 1,000,000 by default unless changed

Sets custom redemption fee multipliers for specific tokenIds for a vendor.

Name Type Description
_tokenIds uint256[] Array of tokenIds
_multipliers uint256[] Array of multipliers


function redemptionFeeDivisor() external view returns (uint256)


Returns the redemption fee divisor.


function getVerifiedERC20PaymentTokens() external view returns (address[], uint256)


returns a list of ERC20 tokens that are accepted by the protocol * and the vendor.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] verifiedPaymentTokens list of ERC20 tokens
[1] uint256 verifiedLength how many tokens are in the list * verified list can be shorter if a vendor added a token that is no longer accepted, hence the length


function acceptedPaymentTokensByVendor() external view returns (address[])


Returns the list of ERC20 tokens accepted by the vendor.


function getPaymentInformation(uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedTokenType) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation)


Returns the payment information for a redemption request * returns all possible payment options.

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation paymentInformation payment information


function getBaseFees() external view returns (address[], uint256[], uint256[])


Returns the base redemption and protocol fees for all payment tokens.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] paymentTokens array of payment tokens, address(0) for native
[1] uint256[] redemptionFees array of redemption fees
[2] uint256[] protocolFees array of protocol fees


function calculateRequiredPayment(address paymentToken, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedRedeemedTokenType) external view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

User For ERC721 _amounts can be empty array

Returns the total fees for a payment token based on the number and type of NFTs to be redeemed.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
_tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
_amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedRedeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType type of redeemed token
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Owner only callable by the owner

Sets the protocol fee address for a redeemer.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address address of the protocol fee contract


function setFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Owner only callable by the owner

Sets the fee processor address for a redeemer.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address address of the fee processor contract


function protocolFeeAddress() external returns (address)


Returns the set protocol fee address.

Name Type Description
[0] address protocolFeeAddress address of the protocol fee contract


function feeProcessorAddress() external returns (address)


Returns the set fee processor address.

Name Type Description
[0] address feeProcessorAddress address of the fee processor contract


function handleERC20Payment(address from, address to, address token, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles ERC20 transfers for payment.

Name Type Description
from address address from which the tokens are transferred
to address address to which the tokens are transferred
token address address of the token
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function handleNativePayment(address target, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles native token transfers for payment.

Name Type Description
target address address to which the tokens are transferred
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function handleProtocolFeePayment(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external

Utility -> called by FeeProcessor

Handles protocol fee ERC20 transfers to fee receiver.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
amount uint256 amount of tokens transferred


function protocolAcceptsNative() external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts native token for fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if native token can be used for fee payments



struct Request1155 {
  bytes32 nonce;
  address owner;
  uint256[] tokenIds;
  uint256[] amounts;


error TokenAmountZero()

Thrown when the token amount is zero


function openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, bytes shippingAddress, address paymentToken) external payable returns (bytes32 requestId)

Opens a new request with ERC20 token used in redemption fee.

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the redeemer.
nonce bytes32 Unique nonce for the redemption request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to redeem.
amounts uint256[] Amounts of each token ID to redeem.
shippingAddress bytes Encrypted shipping address.
paymentToken address Address of the payment token, address(0) for native.
Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 Unique ID for the opened request.



error AlreadyRedeemed()

Thrown when a token is already redeemed


struct Request721 {
  bytes32 nonce;
  address owner;
  uint256[] tokenIds;


enum BurnMechanism {


function openRequest(bytes32 publicKey, bytes32 nonce, uint256[] tokenIds, bytes shippingAddress, address paymentToken) external payable returns (bytes32 requestId)

Opens a new request with ERC20 token used in redemption fee

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the redeemer.
nonce bytes32 Unique nonce for the redemption request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to be redeemed.
shippingAddress bytes Encrypted shipping address.
paymentToken address Address of the payment token, address(0) for native.
Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 Unique ID for the opened request.


function setDefaultBurnMechanism(enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism) external

Sets the default burn mechanism for the entire collection

Name Type Description
burnMechanism enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism Redemption type which will be set for the token


function setBurnMechanismForToken(uint256 tokenId, enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism) external

Sets if a redeemed ERC721 will be burned, marked as already redeemed or returned to owner

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to be redeemed
burnMechanism enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism Redemption type which will be set for the token


function setBurnMechanismForTokens(uint256[] tokenIds, enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism burnMechanism) external

Sets the burn mechanism for a batch of tokens

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs to set redemption type for
burnMechanism enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism Redemption type which will be set for the token


function burnMechanism(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism)

Returns the custom burn mechanism for a given token


function defaultBurnMechanism() external view returns (enum IPhygitalRedeemer721.BurnMechanism)

Returns the default burn mechanism for the collection


Interface for functionality that applies to both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 Phygital Redeemers.


enum RequestStatus {


struct RequestState {
  enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus status;
  uint256 expiry;


event RequestStatusUpdate(bytes32 requestId, enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus updatedStatus)

Emitted when a request status gets updated.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 ID associated to the request.
updatedStatus enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus Updated request status.


error StartIdOutOfBound()

Thrown when the start ID exceeds the number of requests.


error InvalidRequestStatus(enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus expected, enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus actual)

Thrown when the request is in an unexpected status.

Name Type Description
expected enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus Expected request status.
actual enum IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestStatus Actual request status.


error CallerNotProvider()

Thrown when the caller is expected to be the provider, but is not.


error CallerNotRequestOwner()

Thrown when the caller is expected to be the request owner, but is not.


error RequestNotExpired()

Thrown when the request is expected to have expired, but it has not.


error SoulboundTokenCannotBeTransferred()

Thrown when the user attempts to transfer the proof-of-redemption soulbound token.


error ContractPaused()

Thrown when an operation is performed on a paused Phygital Redeemer contract.


error EmptyTokenList()

Thrown when the request is opened with an empty ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token list.


error TokensAmountsMismatch()

Thrown when the size of the token list does not match the size of the amounts.


error InvalidRequest()

Thrown when the provided request does not match the given request ID.


function token() external view returns (address token)

Returns the address of the phygital token that can be redeemed.

Name Type Description
token address Phygital token's address.


function provider() external view returns (address provider)

Returns the physical item provider's address.

Name Type Description
provider address Physical item provider's address.


function providerPublicKey() external view returns (bytes32 providerPublicKey)

Returns the physical item provider's public key.

Name Type Description
providerPublicKey bytes32 Physical item provider's public key.


function maxFulfillmentDuration() external view returns (uint256 duration)

Returns the maximum allowed fulfillment duration.

Name Type Description
duration uint256 Duration, denominated in seconds.


function openRequestHooks() external view returns (address hook)

Returns the address of the contract that implements the hook(s) that will be called when opening a new redemption request. If the address is the zero address, then no hooks are called.


function paused() external view returns (bool paused)

Returns whether the contract has been paused.

Name Type Description
paused bool True if the contract is paused, false otherwise.


function getRequestState(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestState state)

Returns the given request's state.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 ID of the request whose state to return.
Name Type Description
state struct IPhygitalRedeemerCommon.RequestState State associated to the given request.


function getRequestBeneficiary(bytes encodedRequest) external view returns (address beneficiary)

Returns the beneficiary of the soulbound token.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
Name Type Description
beneficiary address Owner of the given request.


function closeRequest(bytes encodedRequest) external

Can only be called by the user, if the provider has not approved the given request yet. Closing a request will return the deposited phygital tokens back to the user who opened the request.

Closes an open request, before it has been approved by the provider.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.


function acceptRequest(bytes32 requestId) external

Can only be called by the provider, if the user has not closed the request.

Accepts an open request.

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 ID of the request being approved.


function rejectRequest(bytes encodedRequest, bytes rejectionReason) external

Can only be called by the provider, if the user has not closed the request and if the provider has not accepted the request. Rejecting a request will return the deposited phygital tokens back to the user who opened the request.

Rejects an open request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
rejectionReason bytes Reason for rejecting the request.


function fulfillRequest(bytes encodedRequest, bytes trackingInfo, string customTokenURI) external

Can only be called by the provider. This can be even after a request's expiry period has passed if the user has not made a transaction to expire the request. Upon fulfillment, the user's phygital tokens are burnt and a unique, proof-of-redemption soulbound ERC-721 is minted to the user's address.

Fulfills an accepted request.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.
trackingInfo bytes Tracking information for the fulfilled request.
customTokenURI string Custom token metadata URI for tokenID. Empty string if default is to be used.


function expireRequest(bytes encodedRequest) external

Can only be called by the given request's owner, if the request has expired. Upon manual expiration, the phygital tokens that were deposited by the user are returned.

Expires an accepted request, and transfers the tokens back to the user.

Name Type Description
encodedRequest bytes Encoded request whose beneficiary should be returned.


function pause() external

Pauses the creation, acceptance, and fulfillment of new requests for this Phygital Redeemer.


function unpause() external

Unpauses the creation, acceptance, and fulfillment of new requests for this Phygital Redeemer.


function setBaseTokenURI(string baseTokenURI_) external

Sets the base URI for the proof-of-redemption



enum RedeemedTokenType {


enum EscrowType {


struct Escrow {
  enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.EscrowType escrowType;
  address token;
  uint256 amount;


error CallerNotRedeemer()

Emitted when the caller is not a Redeemer instance.


error InsufficientPayment()

Thrown when insufficient native token is sent.


error TokenNotInPaymentWhitelist()

Emitted when trying to use a token which is not in the protocol whitelist.


error RedemptionFeeNativeNotAccepted()

Emitted when native payments are not accepted.


error RedemptionFeeTokenNotAccepted()

Thrown when the payment token is not accepted.


error TokensMultipliersMismatch()

Thrown when the size of the token list does not match the size of the custom redemption fee multipliers.


error CannotBeZeroAddress()

Thrown when the zero address is passed.


error ProtocolTokenNotAccepted()

Thrown when the protocol does not accept an ERC20 token for fee payment.


error ProtocolNativeNotAccepted()

Thrown when the protocol does not accept native token for fee payment.


error IncorrectVendorPaymentSettings()

Thrown when a vendor has set payments only in ERC20 tokens which are no longer accepted by the protocol the vendor still expects payment and should be informed that their settings are outdated.


error TokensAmountsMismatch()

Thrown when the size of the token list does not match the size of the amounts.


error EmptyTokenList()

Thrown when the request is opened with an empty ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token list.


struct PaymentInformation {
  bool isNativeAccepted;
  uint256 nativeFee;
  address[] acceptedPaymentTokens;
  uint256[] erc20Fees;
  bool isPaymentRequired;


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address protocolFeeContract_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the protocol fee contract.

Name Type Description
protocolFeeContract_ address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function setRegistryAddress(address registryContract_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the registry contract.

Name Type Description
registryContract_ address Address of the registry contract.


function calculateRequiredPayment(address paymentToken, uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedRedeemedTokenType) external view returns (uint256 _redemptionFee, uint256 _protocolFee, uint256 _upfrontDiscount)

User/Utility -> called via Redeemer For ERC721 _amounts can be empty array

Returns the total fees for a payment token based on the number and type of NFTs to be redeemed

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the token
_tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
_amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedRedeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType type of redeemed token
Name Type Description
_redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee in payment token
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in payment token
_upfrontDiscount uint256 upfront discount in payment token


function getRedemptionFee(address paymentToken) external view returns (uint256)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the base redemption fee for a payment token

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token address, address(0) for native or ERC20
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function getEscrow(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the escrow data for a redemption request

Name Type Description
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.Escrow escrow Escrow data struct


function getVerifiedERC20PaymentTokens() external view returns (address[], uint256)

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

returns a list of ERC20 tokens that are accepted by the protocol * and the vendor -> called via Redeemer

Name Type Description
[0] address[] verifiedPaymentTokens list of ERC20 tokens
[1] uint256 verifiedLength how many tokens are in the list * verified list can be shorter if a vendor added a token that is no longer accepted, hence the length


function getAcceptedPaymentTokensByVendor() external view returns (address[])

Vendor/Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the list of ERC20 tokens accepted by the vendor


function getBaseFees() external view returns (address[], uint256[], uint256[])

Vendor/Owner -> called via Redeemer

Returns the base redemption and protocol fees for all payment tokens

Name Type Description
[0] address[] paymentTokens array of payment tokens, address(0) for native
[1] uint256[] redemptionFees array of redemption fees
[2] uint256[] protocolFees array of protocol fees


function setRedemptionFee(address _token, uint256 _fee) external

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Sets a redemption fee in an ERC20 token for a vendor

Name Type Description
_token address Address of the ERC20 token
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in payment token


function setRedemptionFeeNative(uint256 _fee) external

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Sets a redemption fee in native token for a vendor

Name Type Description
_fee uint256 Redemption fee per singular NFT in native token


function setCustomRedemptionFeeMultipliers(uint256[] _tokenIds, uint256[] _multipliers) external

Vendor -> called via Redeemer multiplier should assume 1x = 1,000,000 by default unless changed

Sets custom redemption fee multipliers for specific tokenIds for a vendor

Name Type Description
_tokenIds uint256[] Array of tokenIds
_multipliers uint256[] Array of multipliers


function getCustomRedemptionFeeMultiplierForToken(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256)

Vendor -> called via Redeemer

Returns the custom redemption fee multiplier for a token

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 tokenId to check
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 multiplier multiplier for the token


function getPaymentInformation(uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedTokenType) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation)

Utility -> called via Redeemer

Returns the payment information for a redemption request * returns all possible payment options

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
redeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType
Name Type Description
[0] struct IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.PaymentInformation paymentInformation payment information


function handleRequestOpen(enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType redeemedTokenType, bytes32 requestId, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, address paymentToken, address userAddress, uint256 msgValue) external


Handles the payment logic when a request is opened

Name Type Description
redeemedTokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerFeeProcessor.RedeemedTokenType type of redeemed token
requestId bytes32 requestId of the redemption request
tokenIds uint256[] array of tokenIds to be redeemed
amounts uint256[] array of amounts to be redeemed
paymentToken address address of the payment token * address(0) for native payments
userAddress address address of the user * used to handle ERC20 payment logic
msgValue uint256 value of the native payment


function redemptionFeeDivisor(address vendor) external view returns (uint256)


Returns the redemption fee divisor



error CannotBeZeroAddress()

Thrown when the zero address is passed.


enum TokenType {


struct RedeemerInfo {
  address redeemer;
  address token;
  address provider;
  enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType tokenType;
  address openRequestHooks;


function isRedeemer(address redeemer) external view returns (bool)

Returns if an address is a redeemer


function getRedeemers() external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] redeemers)

Returns the addresses of all Phygital Redeemer instances.

Name Type Description
redeemers struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] Array of all Phygital Redeemer instances


event RedeemerRegister(address token, address provider, enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType tokenType, address redeemer)

Emitted when a redeemer is registered.

Name Type Description
token address Address of the phygital token that can be redeemed.
provider address Address of the redeemer's physical items' provider.
tokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType Type of phygital token.
redeemer address Address of the redeemer instance.


function getRedeemersForToken(address token) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] redeemers)

Returns the addresses of Phygital Redeemer instances associated to a given phygital token address.

Name Type Description
token address Address of the phygital token.
Name Type Description
redeemers struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] Array of Phygital Redeemer instances linked to the given phygital token.


function getRedeemersForProvider(address provider) external view returns (struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] redeemers)

Returns the addresses of Phygital Redeemer instances associated to a given provider.

Name Type Description
provider address Address of the physical items' provider.
Name Type Description
redeemers struct IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.RedeemerInfo[] Array of Phygital Redeemer instances linked to the given provider.


function registerRedeemer(address redeemer, address token, address provider, enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType tokenType, address openRequestHooks) external

Can only be called by the regsitry owner.

Registers new Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the new Phygital Redeemer to register.
token address Address of the phygital token that can
provider address Address of the physical items' provider.
tokenType enum IPhygitalRedeemerRegistry.TokenType Type of phygital token.
openRequestHooks address Address to call on request opening. Can be set to address(0) to ignore the hook


function pauseRedeemer(address redeemer) external

Can only be called by the registry owner.

Pauses Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the Redeemer instance to pause.


function unpauseRedeemer(address redeemer) external

Can only be called by the registry owner.

Unpauses Phygital Redeemer instance.

Name Type Description
redeemer address Address of the Redeemer instance to unpause.


function setProtocolFeeAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Can only be called by the factory owner. It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Sets the address of the protocol fee contract.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function setFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Can only be called by the factory owner. It only updates the maximum fulfillment duration for Redeemer instances that are created thereafter.

Sets the address of the fee processor contract.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address Address of the fee processor contract.


function batchUpdateProtocolAddress(address _protocolFeeAddress) external

Updates protocol address across all redeemers.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeAddress address Address of the protocol fee contract.


function batchUpdateFeeProcessorAddress(address _feeProcessorAddress) external

Updates fee processor address across all redeemers.

Name Type Description
_feeProcessorAddress address Address of the fee processor contract.


function feeProcessorAddress() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the fee processor contract.


function protocolFeeAddress() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the protocol fee contract.



error CannotBeZero()

Thrown when zero was incorrectly passed.


error TiersNotConsecutive()

Thrown when min tier limit is not greater than previous tiers min limit.


error TokenNotAccepted()

Thrown when token is not accepted for upfront payment.


error CallerNotFeeProcessor()

Thrown when the caller is not the fee processor.


error CannotBeZeroAddress()

Thrown when the zero address is passed.


struct FeeTier {
  uint256 tierStartBorder;
  uint256 feeMultiplier;


function generalERC20ProtocolFees(address paymentToken) external view returns (uint256)


Getter for the base protocol fee payed in an ERC20 token.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address chosen ERC20 payment token
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee protocol fee in payment token


function generalNativeProtocolFee() external view returns (uint256)


Getter for the base protocol fee payed in native token.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee protocol fee in native token


function getTokensAcceptedByProtocol() external view returns (address[])


Getter for ERC20 tokens accepted by the protocol.

Name Type Description
[0] address[] tokensAcceptedByProtocol array of ERC20 tokens accepted by the protocol


function protocolAcceptsNative() external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts native token for fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if native token can be used for fee payments


function protocolFeeReceiver() external view returns (address)


returns the address to which protocol fees will be sent.

Name Type Description
[0] address protocolFeeReceiver address to which protocol fees are sent


function setRegistryAddress(address registryContract_) external

Owner Can only be called by the owner.

Sets the address of the registry contract.

Name Type Description
registryContract_ address Address of the registry contract.


function setProtocolFeeReceiver(address _protocolFeeReceiver) external


Setter for address to which protocol fees will be sent.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeReceiver address address to which protocol fees will be sent


function setProtocolFeeTiers(struct IProtocolFee.FeeTier[] _protocolFeeTiers) external


Setter for protocol fee tiers * determines if an extra fee should be added to the redemption fee.

Name Type Description
_protocolFeeTiers struct IProtocolFee.FeeTier[] protocol fee tiers * should be in ascending order


function setProtocolFeeNative(uint256 _protocolFee) external


Setter for base protocol fee in native token.

Name Type Description
_protocolFee uint256 protocol fee in native token


function setProtocolFee(address _token, uint256 _fee) external


Setter for base protocol fee in ERC20 token.

Name Type Description
_token address address of the ERC20 token
_fee uint256 protocol fee in ERC20 token


function feeDivisor() external view returns (uint256)


Getter for protocol fee divisor used during tiered fee calculation.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 feeDivisor divisor for fee precision


function tierDivisor() external view returns (uint256)


Getter for protocol fee tier divisor used to determine tier limits.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 tierDivisor divisor for tier precision


function upfrontPaymentPrecision() external view returns (uint256)


Getter for protocol upfront payment divisor used to calculate upfront discounts.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 upfrontPaymentPrecision divisor for tier precision


function protocolFeePaid(address vendorAddress) external view returns (uint256)


Getter for the remaining protocol fee paid upfront by a vendor.

Name Type Description
vendorAddress address address of the vendor
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 protocolFeePaid amount of protocol fee paid upfront


function payProtocolFeeUpfrontNative(uint256 amount) external

Utility - called via Redeemer

Allows a vendor to pay for a protocol fee upfront in native token.

Name Type Description
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function payProtocolFeeUpfront(address paymentToken, uint256 amount) external

Utility - called via Redeemer

Allows a vendor to pay for a protocol fee upfront in ERC20 token.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address address of the payment token
amount uint256 amount to be paid upfront


function calculateProtocolFee(address paymentToken, uint256 redemptionFee) external view returns (uint256)


Returns the total protocol fee payed in an ERC20/Native token * based on the protocol fee tiers and the due redemption fee.

Name Type Description
paymentToken address payment token, either ERC20 or address(0) for native
redemptionFee uint256 redemption fee which will be paid
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 fee protocol fee in payment token


function calculateUpfrontDiscount(address vendorOrigin, address paymentToken, uint256 protocolFee) external view returns (uint256)


Calculates how much upfront discount a user should receive, * based on the outstanding protocol fee paid by the vendor.

Name Type Description
vendorOrigin address address of the vendor
paymentToken address payment token, either address(0) for native or ERC20
protocolFee uint256 protocol fee to be paid
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 upfrontDiscount amount of upfront discount


function handleUpfrontDiscount(address vendorOrigin, address paymentToken, uint256 calculatedDiscount) external


Allows the protocol to handle upfront discount * reduces the outstanding protocol fee paid by the vendor.

Name Type Description
vendorOrigin address address of the vendor
paymentToken address payment token, either address(0) for native or ERC20
calculatedDiscount uint256 calculated upfront discount


function protocolAcceptsToken(address paymentToken) external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol accepts a given ERC20 token. for fee payment

Name Type Description
paymentToken address chosen ERC20 payment token
Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if token can be used for fee payments


function isProtocolFeePaymentRequired() external view returns (bool)


Utility function, returns whether the protocol requires a fee payment.

Name Type Description
[0] bool bool true if protocol requires a fee payment



function beforeRequestOpen1155(bytes32 publicKey, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts, bytes shippingAddress) external

Called before a redemption request is opened.

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the user opening the request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs being redeemed.
amounts uint256[] Amounts of each token ID being redeemed.
shippingAddress bytes User's encrypted shipping address.



function beforeRequestOpen721(bytes32 publicKey, uint256[] tokenIds, bytes shippingAddress) external

Called before a redemption request is opened.

Name Type Description
publicKey bytes32 Public key of the user opening the request.
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs being redeemed.
shippingAddress bytes User's encrypted shipping address.


Allows for whitelisting a token's specific token IDs


event Add(uint256 addedTokenId, bool status)

Emitted when a new token ID gets whitelisted.

Name Type Description
addedTokenId uint256 Newly whitelisted token ID.
status bool True if the token ID was not already whitelisted and was successfully added to the whitelist.


event AddBatch(uint256[] addedTokenIds, bool[] statuses)

Emitted when a batch of new token IDs are whitelisted.

Name Type Description
addedTokenIds uint256[] Newly whitelisted token IDs.
statuses bool[] Array of booleans, with each element being true if the token IDs were not already whitelisted and were added to the whitelist.


event Remove(uint256 removedTokenId, bool status)

Emitted when an existing token ID gets removed from the whitelist.

Name Type Description
removedTokenId uint256 Token ID removed from the whitelist.
status bool True if the token ID was previously whitelisted and was now successfully removed from the whitelist.


error TokenIdNotWhitelisted(uint256 requestedTokenId)

Thrown when the token ID is not whitelisted.

Name Type Description
requestedTokenId uint256 Token ID requested.


address token

Address of the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token whose IDs are being whitelisted.


struct EnumerableSet.UintSet whitelistedTokenIds

Set of whitelisted token IDs.


constructor(address _token) public


function list() external view returns (uint256[])

Returns all of the whitelisted token IDs.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256[] List of whitelisted token IDs.


function count() external view returns (uint256)

Returns the number of whitelisted token IDs.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 The number of whitelisted token IDs.


function contains(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (bool)

Checks if a given token ID is whitelisted.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to check.
Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the token ID is whitelisted.


function add(uint256 tokenId) external returns (bool)

Whitelists a give token ID.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to be whilelisted.
Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the token ID was not already whitelisted and was successfully added to the whitelist.


function addBatch(uint256[] tokenIds) external returns (bool[])

Whitelists a multiple given token IDs.

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] Array of token IDs to be whilelisted.
Name Type Description
[0] bool[] Array of booleans, with each element being true if the token IDs were not already whitelisted and were successfully added to the whitelist.


function remove(uint256 tokenId) external returns (bool)

Removes a give token ID from the whitelist.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 Token ID to be removed from the whitelist.
Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the token ID was previously whitelisted and was now successfully removed from the whitelist.


The contract implements IRequestOpenHooks1155 and its address should be provided when deploying a new redeemer contract.

Allows for whitelisting specific phygital token IDs which can be redeemed using a PhygitalRedeemer1155 instance.


constructor(address token) public


function beforeRequestOpen1155(bytes32, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[], bytes) external view

Called before a redemption request is opened.

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs being redeemed.


The contract implements IRequestOpenHooks721 and its address should be provided when deploying a new redeemer contract.

Allows for whitelisting specific phygital token IDs which can be redeemed using a PhygitalRedeemer721 instance.


constructor(address token) public


function beforeRequestOpen721(bytes32, uint256[] tokenIds, bytes) external view

Called before a redemption request is opened.

Name Type Description
tokenIds uint256[] Token IDs being redeemed.